Okay so I've been really busy this week. Just another week in my shoes. Released last night on Kobo is "Today's Legacy". It comes only five days after my Amazon release. During that time I've had another spotlight interview for Today's Legacy. Today I've had a big photo shoot. My friends have been very supportive during this time. I needed the distraction from what's going on in my personal life.
So not only can people download my book from my own website but also on Amazon and Kobo. I'm looking into any other formats that might be out there and platforms. I've been trying to drive traffic to my website to educate them on what my books are all about. Today's Legacy is about Joey MacPherson on a journey of self-discovery. Racing against time to make all of his dreams come true. Struggling through being bullied. And learning secrets as he becomes self-aware. You have to read it. Get yours now Here! Thank you.