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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Media Frenzy

Okay so I was looking through my emails today.  I got one from a friend who sent me a letter that has been circulating around the internet for years.  It's a letter in response to Dr. Laura's radio show where she apparently said homosexuality is an obomination. The Famous Open Letter is definitely worth the read.  No matter if you're gay, straight, bi, transgendered or questioning.  You're beautiful Baby because you were Born This Way

The hype caused by the letter created a stir in the gay community as well as in other communities.  Which of course would be expected if you're going to say something that is totally stupid, untrue and narrow-minded.  It's a hard thing for gay's to come out of the closet as it is much less not be bullied, teased, picked on, slandered, shamed or beaten up.  It is really hard for gays to grow up in a society that doesn't accept and love everyone no matter their race, colour, creed, religion, gender, sexual attraction, sexual preference or their fetishes.  We are all human.  We are all born the same way.  There shouldn't be violence, hatred or discrimination because someone is different.  Peace, love, friendship and acceptance should be our world.  It is so hard for gay teens to accept themselves and love themselves already.  Suicide should never be an option for anyone.  There is always someone out there to help.  You are not alone!  There are communities of people who have the same interests as you and who are into the same things you are.  Whether it's leather, bondage, S&M, ABDL, or sports or arts.  There is someone out there looking for a friend like you too.

Don't ever be afraid to be yourself.  You are born beautiful just the way you are.  Don't ever let anyone tell you differently.  You are beautifully born.  Be Always Beautifully Yourself!!!  Stay Fabulous!!!  Angel

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